Information about Caspian Valuation
In 2011, LLC "Caspian Valuation" carried out real estate market evaluation and expertise, evaluation of other property subjects (all types of movable property, buildings and facilities, specialized equipment, intangible assets, jewelry, vehicles, etc.) was established by specialized specialists (experts) and was state registered. The center currently operates in the field of evaluation, commodity science, construction-technical expertise, consulting and complex marketing in accordance with its Charter. It provides services to legal entities and individuals in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Appraisal Activities", International Appraisal Standards (IAS), "National Appraisal Standards" (AzS), and the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Forensic Expertise Activities".
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Keyfiyyətə dayanan layihələrimizlə, innovativ həllər təqdim edirik